Friday, 17 September 2010

Self-service Labrador

Oh-uh, it's that time of year again. Blackberry season. And what is wrong with blackberry season, I hear you ask? Well nothing as such, except a couple of years ago we thought it would be cute to teach Kira (our Labrador) to eat blackberries straight off the bush. Needless to say, with food being involved, she took to this like a duck to water...

Problem is we now have a Labrador that regards autumn evening walks as an entree for supper and the hedgerow as a self-service food bar. Your walking along and realise you haven't seen the Labrador for a couple of minutes. You look back,and sure enough there's a black bottom stuck out of hedge ... whistle ... obedient stampede of feet ... praise ... glance away for 2 seconds ... bottom in hedge again.

Ahhhhh, supper !

There's one under here somewhere
Bring a friend

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Getting to Work

If you thought your journey to work was bad, check this out.

(Climber's view as an engineer goes up a 1,768ft tower)

I get goose bumps just watching it, however the major problem is:

How do you take the dogs to work ?  :-)

UPDATE: Unfortunately the video has been taken off YouTube - you can read the reason here, however if you do a search on "1768ft" or "radio tower climb" on Google you'll likely find a copy of it.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Washing Instructions

We only have three setting on our washing machine here: 40°C, the wool cycle and an incendiary 90°C. Actually it's a very nice washing machine and has a whole host of setting and dials on it, but we're simple folk here. The bedding gets washed on a very eco unfriendly and incendiary 90°C, the wollen stuff get washed on the wool setting to prevent shrinkage, and everything else gets washed on 40°C and tumbled dried*. If it doesn't survive this washing regime it's not going to survive in our household. Surprisingly, despite all the dire warnings and mulitude of symbols on the labels, virtually everything does. This includes some items that claim to be dry-clean only.

This bears out something I heard on a radio programme years ago. They were interviewing a clothing manufacturer who admitted that some of the time they put "Dry-clean only" labels on just to be on the safe side. Safe for them, but tedious and somewhat expensive for us, not to mention rather eco-unfriendly.

Perhaps we should have a "Dry-clean-ish" label and a "Dry-clean-only-and-we-really-really-do-mean-it" label.

*Not always, depends on the weather.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Freedom of Speeh

There's a lot in the press about "Pastor" Terry Jones and his desire to indulge in a good, old-fashioned, book burning. I can't help wondering how much of this furore has been caused by the rest of the world jumping in to condemn him. Don't get wrong I think he's a complete loony, but I do just wonder, what if everyone had ignored him - he'd just have been a sad, lonely, deluded old man with a small fire.

There has been some use of "Freedom Of Speech" as a defense for his actions. Freedom of speech is not a defense for burning someone else's holy book. It a defense for saying you don't agree with what's written in the book, but not for burning it. However I do worry that people might seek to restrict true freedom of speech to try and stop people like this.

I was lucky enough to be exposed to true Freedom of Speech when I was a student in London. It wasn't in the university, it wasn't in the Houses of Parliament, it wasn't in some great debating hall. It was outside our local supermarket. Every Saturday mornings, when we went shopping for our weekly groceries, there was a gentleman outside on the pavement, with a bicycle clips on his trousers and a bicycle propped against the curb. He was selling the Morning Star. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, the Morning Star is a communist paper in the UK ( Bear in mind, this was the height of the Thatcherite era and Conservatism in the UK ie right-wing. But here was this man, selling a left-wing paper, on the pavement outside a supermarket.

And he was doing it with a quiet, profound dignity that had an enormous effect on me then, and still does 25 years later. He wasn't pushy, he wasn't loud, he wasn't in your face, he certainly wasn't threatening to burn anything. He was just quietly selling his newspaper, and his views, with such catchphrases as "Read the paper Thatcher loves to hate", or "Read about Thatcher's crocodile tears". No one opposed him, no one tried to move him on, no one tried to shut him up. The local police when they appeared just chatted to him. He didn't believe in policies of the government and he was opposing it...peacefully and democratically. And he was there for at least the two years that I lived there.

I do not know the identity of this man - I never spoke to him, but I am deeply grateful to him for teaching me about true freedom of speech and democracy. It is people like this and their views that we must protect, despite the fact that this means we have to put up with the loonies.
I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire

Friday, 3 September 2010

Demon Dog !!!

And we always wondered why the postman was so afraid of our dog.
This was supposed to be a nice picture showing how devoted the collie is. Acting as an impromptu foot warmer for her mistress while she works on her computer. Doh! This is kind of effect you get when the flash on your mobile phone is a mere 5mm from the lens. Less of the red-eye, more of the satanic, hell hound eye :-)

Harvest Time

We were out walking the dogs and the farmers were hard at work getting the harvest in before the rains arrived again. The sunset made everything wonderfully spectacular.

It's moments like this that you just can't buy ...

Thursday, 2 September 2010

A Collie at Work and Play

Well, you didn't this was being written by a human, did you ?
What do you mean, it's too big ?!?
Could I do this if it was too big ??

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

The Working Week

A colleague on a project I worked on drew this many years ago - it's still completely true !