A bit of a break from the last entry ....
Quick precise ...
2011 was not the best year. Work was problematic and health was very up and down. Even worse we entered no agility competitions for the whole year. Actually that's not entirely true, we did enter some we just didn't manage to make it to any of them :-(
That was the glass half empty side of the year, the glass half full side of the year, was a new horse and a new puppy :-)
Amber actually arrived at the very end of last year, but it was close enough to count as this year.
She was only 6 months old when she arrived so she's done a lot of growing ... and collecting mud :-)
Enya arrived in January and did all the things new puppies do.
She played, she slept, she chewed things, including a skirting board and a £5 note, and she wrapped her owner round her little claw :-)
Now the great thing about years, is you get a brand new one every year, so now we have 2012 and it's already off to a good start. It's January, the days are getting longer and we already have snowdrops up at the stables ...
So bring on 2012 .....