Sunday, 15 August 2010

Geocaching Your Dogs

Looking  for something new to try when your walking your dog?

For those of you who haven't come across it before, geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunt played with a GPS enabled device like an iPhone and a sense of adventure. The idea is to find a hidden, outdoor container or cache and then log your results online. The GPS is used to guide you to the container. The sense of adventure is used to work out how to reach it :-) This is geocaching.

The great thing about geocaching is it's generally very dog friendly. A great example of this is the walk we did today in Pamber Woods. We often take the dogs for a walk there, but sometimes it's nice to get off the usual tracks. So when we arrived we fired upthe geocaching app on our iPhone and had a look around. Sure enough there was a variety of caches nearby including a set of 5 linked caches that defined a new walk we hadn't done before. Shortly thereafter we found ourselves walking round a very large field on the public footpaths. Our four legged friends were in heaven - loads of new smells to sniff, rabbits to chase and small beasties to hunt! In the mean time we were doing our own hunting for the caches :-)

Our four legged friends helping us to find a cache !
If you'd like to find some new walks and have a go at geocaching have a look at

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