Friday, 11 February 2011

Four weeks later ....

... we've kinda settled into the swing of having a puppy again, but boy, are they hard work. Young Enya is very curious ... and very quick. In her first week here she managed break out of her puppy pen by scaling it's 3 foot walls. Her breeder's reaction to this - well you wanted an agility dog :-) So the pen now has a roof on it. That and other learning curves means we've been very busy here, hence the lack of updates.

However there was a comment that the first pictures posted here were of a sleeping dog - so this update is of an awake puppy, a very awake puppy :-)

Less than 12 weeks old and she already has that collie intensity. I know most of the pictures are of her still, but that's only because as soon as you pick up a ball she flows off, stops, half turns and looks at you.

We can't take her out for a walk yet, she's still completing her vaccinations, but she has been coming with us ...

Though some times she does doze off

And life isn't all walks and play, sometimes you get bathed - yuk

But you do get to play with the Labrador ...

And snooze with the Collie ...

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