Thursday, 23 May 2013

Some savings are not worth it

I'm particularly partial to Vanilla Lattes, there is no finer way to bring coffee in my opinion.

A Starbuck's Vanilla Latte
Of course, Vanilla Lattes are not particular conducive to diets - something which I'm on since my recent health assessment. A Starbucks Grande Vanilla Latte clocks in at 250 calories. So I decided to be good and try a Skinny Vanilla Latte, total 120 calories, from my local Starbucks.

OMG - it was awful :-( It had a sort of metallic after taste to it, and it did not evoke that feeling of deep satisfaction that a proper latte should. It was a struggle to finish it, and I seriously considered just leaving it. I, a man who has been accused of inhaling Lattes. I don't in any way think this was the fault of the barista who made it, there are just somethings you shouldn't do. And making a Latte with non-fat milk and sugar-free syrup is definitely one of them!

So today I went and got a normal Starbuck's Grande Vanilla Latte. It was as nectar. Admittedly nectar that comes with a 250 calorie price tag, more than double that of the Skinny version, but it is soooooo worth it. If I have to sacrifice 130 calories from elsewhere in my daily calorie intake, or simply take to having have coffee every other day, then that is a sacrifice I will gladly make.

Some sacrifices are just not worth it.

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